Initial Idea |
During feedback I was told that the back panel was simply missing some elements that are ever present in genuine CD panels. One of these features was a small amount of text outlining the copyright surrounding the CD cover. To address this I wrote a small paragraph outlining the rights and copyright laws to do with the CD and placed this at the bottom.
Another thing I had to change was the position of the track listing. One of my teachers suggested that I line up the right hand edge of the track listing with the edge of the bar-code simply to make the page aesthetically even.
Final Product |
Initial design |
Therefore I reduced the size of the logos to be the same height as the date. This gave a more coherent style and imprioved the minalimist aestehtic of the final design. In addition to this I smoothed over the corner of the Facebook logo to make it identical to the Twitter one. This again made the advert more visually symetrical.
The alter the middle quote I simply split the text over tewo lines. This reduced the lenght of the quote and furthermore added to ther symetcial visual style of the advert as it was more similar in olneght to the otyher two quotes.
Final Design |
Initial middle panel ideas |
1st page from the lyric booklet |
In my initial ideas I had two middle panels which used the lyrics of the album to create the logo of the band. While I thought that this design worked effectively, feedback from my teachers and friends highlighted the simplicity of this technique. Furthermore a suggestion that was made to me was to create some kind of booklet that built upon the idea of combining the lyrics and the logo. Therefore I decided to include as well as the middle two panels of my CD, a lyrics booklet which used the lyrics of the album as a way of creating the logo.
I feel that not only will the lyrics be easier to read for audiences, but including a lyrics booklet makes my overall print productions more complex, interesting and original. While the lyrics of the song are not completely visible and are repeated multiple times in order to create the logo, I feel that audiences will still appreciate the combination of lyrics and logo in a booklet which is easier to read than the middle panels.
The use of booklet increases the complexity and originality of my design; many artists do not include this in their albums. Furthermore I feel this will appeal to my audience as the music of 'Bad Sounds' is quirky and original also.
2nd page from the lyric booklet |
3rd page from the lyric booklet |
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